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Tonight, we all v2o long beach eat twinkies! And maybe some ding dongs. And why is it that all Hostess treats sound a little dirty? Ho hos? By Erik, found on 43 Things at 10:21 01/18/2006. See comments eat a twinkie — 60 days ago Erik Benson adopted this goal By Erik, found v2o long beach on 43 Things at 10:14 01/18/2006. See comments Enjoyed city and friends simultaneously. — 62 days ago Erik Benson added an entry about ride The Duck in v2o long beach Seattle: Bobbles took some excellent shots of the event. Yes, we did “Ride The Ducks”. Not sure why it’s plural ducks but that’s what it is and so we did it. People who attended, in order of walking into Cafe Campagne for duck fuel in the form of bloody marys and savvy bitches: Me, Sami, Daniel, Alyssa, Bob, Todd, Karen, Maggie, Josh, Twozdai, and Lia (who joined us after breakfast).