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After I migraine finish reading Watchmen (oh, now Brian’s going to kill me ^_^) Liana migraine | migraine no comments January 15, 2003: sorichuudo More morning piano-playing lately. It’s funny to remember how much I detested practicing piano when I was younger, though I liked playing songs I was already good at playing. Now the practice is just as fun as the playing; consequently I’ve gotten to the point where I can play “Ano Hi no Kawa E,” the Spirited Away theme, extremely well. Not as good as the CD, but it will be. Now I have to decide which song to work on next; I waver between “Samashii, Samashii” (“Lonely, Lonely,” which is Kao-Nashi’s song and doesn’t show up in the movie, to my sadness), “Sorichuudo” (that’s “solitude”–one side effect of living in Japan is that goofy katakana words resolve themselves into sensible words a lot easier for me now) and “Chihiro no Warutsu” (Chihiro’s Waltz).