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He was passoverhumor much more interested in football. But as for me--well, maybe I am guilty of passing the strain on to them. "When I was young I was a member of the Old Amaranth Dramatic Society of Brooklyn. passoverhumor Robert Hilliard, Edith Kingdon, Percy Williams and some others now in the limelight were amateurs then along passoverhumor with me. My aspirations were high. "I had seven words to speak in the Amaranth performance of 'Turned Up.' But at the crucial moment at the first performance, so interested was I in the spectacle around me, I forgot to say them! Then I was utterly and ignominiously 'turned down' by the coach. "That was 'Ma Talmadge's" and only attempt at public performance. I married and the girls came. "I have been busy ever since helping them to live their own lives in their own individual ways. It is the only way to happiness and success. When a girl sets her heart on following some profession, when she has unbreakable confidence in her ability to make good in it, the wise parent will tell her to go ahead.