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Norma was a great reader and every time she read a book she liked she wanted to dramatize it. The fact that she liked to red dress make herself the leading lady did not always please Connie and red dress Natalie. Though the girls often quarreled about the "star" system, there was no question about the manager. To "Peg" fell that little task. All their lives, the Talmadge trio loved to play-act and dress up and characterize. It remained for the mother red dress to guide them by being almost one of them, and for that reason she encouraged the use of the name "Peg" instead of the conventional "Mother" as it seemed to bring her closer to her girls. In fact, they have always regarded her as a fourth sister "I confess that I liked it," says Mrs. Talmadge. "I always encouraged their efforts at self-expression and never thwarted them.