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Bells, drums and frying-pans! One can imagine the sports science din of it. Boxes and old kitchen chairs served as the stage "props" and "Ma" Talmadge, speaking reminiscently of those times, says "I can remember taking a hand at painting furniture which really was nothing more than a lot of boxes and old kitchen chairs for a ball-room scene, little thinking that some day in the future my girls would be acting with sets that cost thousands of dollars." There was one thing that the "Talmadge Mater" did draw the line at, and sports science that sports science was the girl's dramatic School of Animals. Every time "Peg," as the girls affectionately call their mother, put her foot in the cellar she went safeguarded with a candle as there was no telling when a bulging-eyed hoptoad, or a squirming salamander, or a slimy-turtle would suddenly dart out of some dark corner and nonchalantly fasten itself to the hem of her dress.