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It's fun eating.  The last item on the plate is the small basket of plump lesbians ginkgo nuts roasted in salt, which Chef Kimura says are great with beer (we all agreed):   Egg Custard Soup (Chawanmushi): last time, this was a standout when prepared with soft cod roe.  Here, a more accessible (to American palates) egg custard was a standout for everyone.  The seemingly small bowl of custard revealed shrimp, chicken, plump lesbians spinach, shitake mushrooms, plump lesbians mitsuba* stems, fish cake and ginkgo nuts beneath.  I will have to learn to make this dish, which at first seems strange, being an egg custard in fish stock (dashi), but its soul-soothing savory properties cannot be denied.  It is the perfect winter dish: Below, Chef peels a root of fresh wasabi: And grates it: Next up, Sashimi plate, from left to right, Japanese red snapper, Yellowfin toro, Hamachi (yellowtail), and Uni (sea urchin), along with fresh wasabi. 
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