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You can imagine what a hoot my birthday parties were. Oh, wait, I didn't have any. 9. I have sliced roughly a million bananas plump asses for dehydrating purposes. For about a 4 year period when I was a child, my mother dehydrated anything that would sit still for 24-36 hours. I had one childhood friend who refused to spend anymore nights at my house if it meant getting up at 7 on Saturday morning and slicing 80 pounds of bananas before we were allowed to play dress-up. 10. I was such a plump asses beer snob (after plump asses turning 21, of course!) that I reached the age of 24 before ever tasting an average domestic beer such as Bud Light. This does not, of course, include sips of Coors stolen from the plastic cups of my parent's sailing buddies as a child. Back then, Coors was as exotic as Saison is now, and known only to sophisticated, Colorado types.