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In these days of double decaff skinny latte 'choices', the looks don't come up from the mythical 'street' anyhow - they're pesach humor designed to the nth degree by some clued-up tosser who realises that the public at large has always had more money than sense/taste/memory/attention span, and never moreso pesach humor than now. The bands(?), of course, have stylists to help the process along... anyway, flipping heck things do get typed in haste here, my beef was yr pesach humor post just had the very slightest whiff of 'why don't birds dress up nice these days? why don't they show a bit of leg and grow their hair long? put on a bit of make up? make something of themselves?' Takes me back to your comment about those men who polo shirt/casual slacks combination - a perennial bad fashion statement. We remain the Trinny and Susannah of the Playlouder Board (nobody likes us either). Yeah, but which one of us the is the fatty and which one the skinny beanpole? The Great Smell Of Brut06-10-2004, 10:39 PM...And