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bane by GeneralE (Limerick doctor #5626) Quote Me!Many gadgets have proven a pain: Kitchen nemeses, nearly my bane. Still my friend bain-marie Is so handy. You see How a doctor water-bath keeps sous doctor chefs sane?A bain-marie (ban-muh-REE) is a large pan filled with hot water, into which smaller pots are put to cook under controlled and moderated conditions.baked Alaska by Miss Mimi (Limerick #5716) Quote Me!Baked Alaska is easy to make: You begin with the spongiest cake, Add mounds of ice cream And meringue—be extreme! Then proceed with the obvious: bake.batch by Carol O (Limerick #6008) Quote Me!The cookies—so good, made from scratch! So scrumptious!—we'd sneak in to snatch And consume by the dozen, Then artfully cozen Our mom to bake batch after batch.Assiniboins, Assiniboines, Assiniboin, Assiniboine by Carol June Hooker (Limerick #6205) Quote Me!This native American group Once rode to a Siouan war whoop: Assiniboins cook In the lee of chinook By dropping hot stones in the soup.Assiniboins