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The womens health little booger! As a result of his naughty behavior, he has been grounded and will be spending the remainder of his punishment term in the womb until mom thinks he’s ready to come out. =) Digitus Impudicus Well folks, feel free to “flip the bird” in Texas without fear of suffering the consequences. Who knew that flipping the bird went back to Roman times? I used to flip people womens health off so much in high school, my friends got me a birthday card with an old lady flipping me off. It was most hilarious. Read more womens health about it here. Stealthy Driver Isn’t it amazing how when you are driving in to work during rush hour you have to turn into a sort of stealthy predator? You’re inching along just like a cheetah hunting her prey. What are you hunting? A chance to get into the lane next to you. You wait until just the right moment when you can pounce on it.