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Replace saturated fat in your diet with polyunsaturated and monounsaturated nikon fats: " Eat at least 2 portions of oily nikon fish such as sardines or salmon a week. Use these to replace processed meats such as sausages and pies. " Replace butter, margarine and lard with `heart healthy' spreads and cooking oils which are high in polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fats and low in saturated fats. Reduce your sugar intake: " Gradually cut down the amount of sugar you add to tea or nikon coffee. " Eat fewer biscuits, cakes, sweets and desserts. Limit these to mealtimes. " Choose diet or no added sugar soft drinks. Reduce your salt intake in order to lower blood pressure: " Choose products marked `no added salt' or low in salt on the packaging. " Use herbs and spices instead of salt during cooking. " Avoid adding salt at the table.