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He does this for two turns. To keep toys costumes his spirits up he turns on the radio and hums really loudly, so he doesn't hear toys costumes what Harry does next. "CRipes and crikey" says Harry potterd toi himself, looking down at his ruined dress robes and cursing to himself, just word curses not the magic ones. He's in the upstairs bedroom toys costumes of course and JESUS OF GOD NO the cursed Juon has ventured outta the cupboard behind him, holding the murder weapon from Harrison Fords "Accused", a sort of hammer with a blade on one end, which he fetched using his terrible powers and freaky eyemouth. Lucky for Harry, he feels the presence and thinks the shadowy spook is a dementeroid so shouts out "PLOTUSSAVUS FATHERUS EXPECTO PATRONUMO" and concentrates of his happiest memories (of masturbating under his invisbility cloke) which produces his patronus and drives away the cursed of Juon like a dose of salts, which sinks through the floor into the kitchen fridge, plotting revenge and inwardly redline seething.
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