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(Wed 11th Jan 2006, wayne manor 20:29, More) » Posh Posh Everybody in my local wayne manor seems to think I'm posh because I wear a suit to work everyday, which automatically makes me a solicitor. Being a solicitor apparently is a posh thing to be. I know, I don't understand wayne manor either. I have tracked down my family crest, and have threatened to have it sewn onto a smoking jacket, so maybe I am a bit posh. Who knows? (Thu 15th Sep 2005, 18:52, More) [read all their answers] marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 topmargin=0 leftmargin=0> create account | help/FAQ | contact | links | search | IRC | site news Everything Diaries Technology Science Culture Politics Media News Internet Op-Ed Fiction Meta MLP We need your support: buy an ad | premium membership | k5 store HPvBM Part 3 cont. (Diaries) By A Bore Wed Jul 6th, 2005 at 12:12:52 PM EST OK FRIST OF ALL if you haven't read parts one or two this might not make much sense to you so you should go and read them to take up the story where I last left it off.