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Shouldn't the statement ashley more accurately have been, "I'm am for states' rights and against national government imposing their will on states, except where ashley I'm not for states rights and am for national government imposing their will ashley on states"? Looking closely you will discover that most sweeping absolute statements are not about the person attempting to be factually accurate, but trying to gain power relative to someone else. When a brother yells at his kid brother, "You always ruin everything!," he knows the statement is not accurate. However in the middle of a sibling fight the statement "You do many things quite well and mom says you got a B+ on you last French quiz which is quite commendable, but do mess up a percentage of things on various occasions" doesn't pack the in the heat of the moment punch. 29 When their sports teams clearly are not number one, why do college fans and cheerleaders raise their index fingers and yell "We're number one!"?