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sister's boyfriend was black.He looked like a member of the Ku Klux Klan./edit: Oh my! Just read pixel's post and his story is pretty much the same as mine. Perhaps this story would have been more fitting in last week's QOTW, urban legends (wonderbrawl Your ad here, Sat funny 14 Jan 2006, funny 19:40) Jesters For non-British readers, Young Enterprise is a cruel system where schools force young impressional teenagers to form their own businesses. At sixth form our business sold funny really shit "stress relievers" which were basically balloons filled with dough that exploded all over the lower school building (much to our secret delight), the company mascot was a jester and our team kindly voted me to dress up as a jester to sell these repugnant things in our local bus station. Thus on a Saturday afternoon I was forced to wear a red mini dress with green shorts, blue tights and a jester's hat with my cheeks painted a lovely rosy red selling these wank little presents. To top it all, not only did half my school come to laugh at me, the local newspaper thought it would be wonderful to photograph me for a feature on small businesses.