cellular nutrition, birdsof prey, canine, travelcommunity, child's nutrition, coconut fatty acid , herbs, overheardnew york, fat black girls , selina kyle, three, assassinate, taubman centers, laeta kalogridis, drunkeness, plump butts , the clocktower, hand made, fibre, oak, keep fit, cuisine, band, mark hamill,
and vegetables also provide fibre and are low in fat and calories, so choosing them and cutting down on fatty, sugary foods can help our health in many ways.Fresh, frozen, tinned, or mullethead dried varieties of fruit and vegetables and mullethead fruit juice are all good for us.Fruit and vegetables and fruit juices also contain lots of water that can help replace the fluids you lose when you’re physically active and help stop you becoming dehydrated and feeling tired. Other Assembly ideas Fruit and vegetables from around the world – where do different fruit mullethead and vegetables come from? Could link to geography or holidays Tasting session of unusual fruit and vegetables – link to culture Link to colours – fruit and vegetables have a variety of colours, colours of the rainbow Link to expressive words – juicy, mouth-watering, squashy, ripe, soft, crunchy, crisp and so on Harvest time Link to books that have fruit and vegetables in them Pupils produce a play with a fruit and vegetable theme Favourite ways to eat fruit and veg – presentation Five pupils each present their favourite ways of eating fruit and vegetables for: Breakfast