2005. All rights reserved fat toddlers

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adventure stories, toddlers, factoid, link blog, layette, , images, dog toy, speeches, tropical flowers, vegetarian diet, It is funny when ppl say such things tat they think r true on others fat but it’s damn right about themselves. There’s also Benny who talks about sex & double meaning words fat all the time, claiming he’s a V. So many 1st times. Everytime is the 1st time. Haha. When Benny 1st came to work at my counter after TuxGuy left, Y confided tat he looks like her x-bf. Wahh.. So handsome 1? :P Actually Benny looks a bit fat like a gal, like another staff @ shop, TommyGirl. Wat’s it about old Chinese sayings? If the couple look alike each other, they r souuulmates. But Benny is seeing his school’s gal la. Once, when Benny went over to Y’s counter to chit chat, she told him tat he looks like her ex. Benny came back to our counter hurriedly. LOL. Lari kuat-kuat! Benny: Blearrgh! I look like her x-bf? *vomit sounds* He shuddered.
2005. All toddlers rights reserved I am Rainbow 17 March 2006 Sex while dating Filed under: Humour, Relationship, Sexuality, Colleagues & Bosses — ☆*°^` Rainbow @ 8:01 pm U’d nvr know who is a toddlers virgin (or not) just by the looks. Singalan Founder told fellow male colleagues tat females get bigger, saggy butt if they hv sex too much. But this is not true 100%. Look at Cindy Crawford’s firm butt. Ppl who exercise their butt (& not only via sex) sometimes even hv firmer butt toddlers than those who don’t hv sex. Then Y announced with great authority & confidence on a couple v were talking about, “Aiya, they had been dating 4 so long, they r sure hving sex lar!” LOL. Speak for urself, Y! :D She had been dating her current bf since Form 2 & she’s now, wat? 18? & she’s living with her bf since Form 2/3!
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