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BLoOds SiS: i guess i was plump sex feeling horny anyway ...what can u do tho eh Imnovicar: lol im horny too Imnovicar: u r sooo sexy BLoOds SiS: i have this urge 2 talk dirty 2 u..i know it's wrong tho Imnovicar: ok do it lol BLoOds SiS: i look at u with wanton lust BLoOds SiS: i begin 2 drool down my top...shit Imnovicar: i look at urt picture and something stirs , BLoOds SiS: i look plump sex at u and OMG i just spotted a HUGE bogey hanging plump sex from ur nose Imnovicar: oi Imnovicar: sure ur going 2 get it now BLoOds SiS: u move in 2 kiss me, i duck out of the way of incoming bogey and nauseously begin kissing the thick mass of tangled hair on ur big fat beer belly <retchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh> <WHOOOLAAAAA> Imnovicar: what u doing freak?? Imnovicar: u r lovely but this is weird BLoOds SiS: God i feel ill <think parma violets think parma violets> BLoOds SiS: make me better baby Imnovicar: ok lol Imnovicar: i will Imnovicar: would u like me to suck ur nipples Imnovicar: lick ur tits Imnovicar: kiss ur neck BLoOds SiS: theres that bogey again BLoOds SiS: <RETCHHHHHHHHHHH> <WHURRRRRGHHHHH>