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Resist over-sized food portions. In Europe, federal where people are much thinner, fast-food containers are about one-third federal smaller than America's. Don't shun peanut butter! While high in calories, a little goes a federal long way because the fats and protein keep you feeling full longer and the fats are healthy ones. Studies show that people who eat a little nut butter every day lose more weight than people who snack on refined carbohydrate foods. Snack on trail mix. A handful of nuts, seeds and raisins or other dried fruit is very satisfying. While not especially low in calories, it's filling - so you'll eat less. Make healthy food choices for most of your meals, then allow yourself to splurge on a dessert or other favorite food. Staying slim isn't about deprivation. There are literally hundreds of lettuces and salad greens grown throughout the world and, because their seasons peak at different times of the year, there's always a wide variety available.