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Interesting, isn't it, that w Submitted by The Hack on August 31, 2005 - 12:01. Interesting, isn't it, that when it all turns to shit ways that journalists are to blame - not the clowns that behave badly ways in public and get caught. ways As I suggested in the comments earlier, in my view the jopurnalists concerned showed poor form waiting four weeks to go after Brogden. I wonder if Costello would be Submitted by Blah Blah on August 31, 2005 - 12:00. I wonder if Costello would be so generous with his comments if it was a Labor MP trying to do himself in. He'd probably start complaining about how attempted suicides push the health budget over-budget, and it's un-Australian to do such a half-arsed job. Meanwhile, journalists like the ones who 'broke' the story about JB make me ashamed to be in the industry. Every last MP has skeletons in the cupboard - including and especially Bob Carr, known affectionately in my area as Sideshow Bob - but he knew how to control the media.