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It's nice to take care of your body. I've told my roommate, though, that she'd have to plump teens shoot me if I started drinking skim milk. ON DATING Girl, I'm workin' it. I can't be tied down. I got a new 'do (laughter)! But dating is hard, it's difficult to find somebody you jive with. Before you can be good to someone plump teens else, you have to be good to yourself. I'm 25, granted, in some people's eyes that's old, but at that plump teens age, you're just starting to know yourself. And you really need that space. We all tend to kind of go from relationship to relationship. Have a relationship with yourself first. In the long run, I believe in things working, I believe in giving it my best shot. ON INFINITE RELATIONS I have a great respect for my belief and everyone else's -- I think we all end up in the same place anyway. I have my own great relationship with God.