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For example, I think I got $85 for all of my card usage last year. Keeping all of my charges on my debit card will let fat girls xxx me track everything through the Wells Fargo account summary charts, and it will make me feel the hit of bigger purchases a bit more. By Erik, found on 43 Things at 19:47 01/09/2006. See comments Not this weekend but next weekend perhaps. — 69 days ago Erik Benson added an entry about go on a three day juice fast: I want to fat girls xxx do a three-day juice fast, probably over Friday, fat girls xxx Saturday, and Sunday so it doesn’t interfere with work. This coming weekend is all about brunch and riding the duck so I don’t want to interfere with that amazing fun. The following weekend is open though, so that’s the current candidate. Anyone want to join me? We can watch a lot of movies, go on walks, read, and maybe draw pictures of our juice-inspired hallucinations. By Erik, found on 43 Things at 12:48 01/09/2006. See comments go on a three day juice fast — 69 days ago Erik Benson adopted this goal By Erik, found on 43 Things at 12:46 01/09/2006.
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