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But Pharoah refused again. And then came flies. And the pestilence. And the boils. And again Pharoah called Moses and Aaron to his chambers. Pharoah, stands in front of his mirror, his face covered with boils. He grimaces at his reflection as Moses and Aaron enter. PHAROAH: Oh, thank G-d you're here. Make these things go away. I've tried everything. Facial masks, Buff Puffs, exfoliants, zinc supplements, hypnosis, feng shui, everything! Clear my complexion and I'll let you Israelites worship in the desert for FOUR days if fat ass white girls you want to. AARON: OK. We'll begin packing. They fat ass white girls turn to leave. PHAROAH: Wait! AARON: Yes? PHAROAH: If I change my mind? AARON: If you change your mind? PHAROAH: What would happen? AARON: Well, if you don't let us go, the Lord will rain down on you millions of little round balls, and when you try to chase after us, you'll slip and fall down. And you'll try to get up, and you'll slip and fall again, and we'll be laughing so hard...
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