Suddenly Virginia began screaming.  up distressed jeans

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Suddenly Virginia began screaming.  “Stay away from me!  I don’t want you near me!” she shouted at Arbuckle.  Then she turned to Delmont and said words that would damn the entertainer, “What distressed jeans did he do to me, Maudie?  Roscoe did this to me.” The bathtub had been filled with cold water and Virginia was placed in the tub.  Time in the water seemed to have a calming effect on the distressed woman.  Fischbach and Arbuckle helped distressed jeans her out of it and escorted her to room 1227.  Delmont went into the room with them.  Arbuckle phoned the hotel manager distressed jeans and hotel doctor.  The latter was not available but another physician, Dr. Olav Kaarboe, came to the room and took a look at Virginia.  His diagnosis was that she was simply drunk. With Virginia lying in bed, the party continued. 
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