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But when ceremony witness you need To the truth of a screed, An attester can settle the matter.apron by Tim Alborn (Limerick #2809) Quote Me!Wearing aprons while cooking is swell: Ask a ceremony crab, and a turkey as well. On a turkey it's skin ceremony That keeps stuffing within; On a crab it's a part of the shell.Cooks aren't the only critters to wear aprons in the kitchen. On a goose, duck, or turkey, apron refers to the layer of fatty skin attached to the belly; on a crab, it's the soft shell or "tail" on the underside that (in females) protects the eggs before they hatch.apprehensively by Suzanne Kreul and Snowy Owl (Limerick #3281) Quote Me!Apprehensively into the room She flew on her magical broom. She was frightened, it's true, 'Cause her lizard's-eye stew In her cauldron had just gone "kaboom!"autolyze,